A true story of a boy, The World and bio-accumulation
Saving Our Children from The World’s Biggest Psychopath

by Kalubriah Sage


Written with the purpose to inform, empower and inspire positive change… Dylan and the Wolf – Saving Our Children from the World’s Biggest Psychopath is a story of a real boy, Dylan and a portion of his real life, where medical conscription controlled every pathway of choice, where parents were denied the civil right to choose evidence-based alternatives to chemotherapy protocols. Where medical entrapment was very real, and real constitutional health and civil rights had already been removed by stealth, to continue a toxic but profitable status quo. Such a hoax on civil health and constitutional rights is something every family should know. The Author links pathways of ‘civil management’ and industry to bioaccumulation in agriculture, food, medicine and water management that has bioaccumulation effects and is surely; A Toxic Harvest for future generations fall. Awareness of such, it is hoped, will inspire thought, words and actions that decontaminate and support healthy genetics for all of Life.

Press Release

‘Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation’

Book promotes truth and choice in medicine and health management

PICCANINNY POINT, Australia, Dec. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Kalubriah Sage launches a new press campaign for “Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation” (published by Balboa Press AU).

Written with the purpose to inform, empower and inspire positive change, this book tells the true story of Dylan who underwent unnecessary medical interventions as a child to meet federal childcare requirements, leading to the development of childhood cancer associated with SV40. He subsequently endured six years of medical treatment that was designed to fail, following legal protocol but not offering a cure. His experience and tragic death inspired the writing of a story to raise sufficient awareness to counter cognitive dissidence regarding chemical management of humans, especially children, and corporate theft of personal choice in human health.

“Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation” delves into the pressing issue of corporate takeover in pharmaceuticals, highlighting concerns about personal choices, control mechanisms, and the harmful effects of bio-accumulation. Through a combination of real-life anecdotes, research articles, links, prose, poetry and art, it sheds light on the hidden pathways of corruption and chemical management that escape scrutiny under the guise of good.

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